15 Ways Technology Is Shaping Our Healthcare’s Future

One of the best things about modern advances is the role that technology is playing in our day-to-day lives and the ways it is improving healthcare. As a leader in emerging tech and women’s health, it’s clear to me that technology is playing a key role in shaping our healthcare’s future.

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Stress Management: Rejuvenate the Mind, Body, and Soul

Last week, we determined that stress wreaks havoc on our health. Now it’s time to start at square one: Identifying your stress triggers. What symptoms of stress do you feel in your body? Headaches, digestive issues, muscle tension, low energy? Jot down any ways that stress affects your mental or emotional state.

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How Far Can You Go?

Our bodies are designed to MOVE!  Our bodies are built with form and function in mind. We have powerful legs to propel us forward and our buttocks that are intended to slow down momentum and keep us upright. How far will you go to thrive? (new to thrive or missed

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Why Mental Health Matters

If you broke your ankle, you wouldn’t hesitate to seek out an orthopedic surgeon. If you had a fever, a visit to your PCP would be in order. Why is it, then, when it comes to mental health, people are sometimes slow to react and even slower to reach out

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Nourish Your Body to Live Longer

With so many ways to manage your health, sometimes adopting a “healthy lifestyle” can seem overwhelming. If there’s one change you have time to make, it’s this: Shift to a whole-foods, plant-based approach to eating. This is the most impactful way to turn back the clock and extend your health span!I

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How to Live Smarter

Let’s face it, life is stressful!  Unfortunately, chronic stress makes us fat!  Stress is a common theme that often causes women to overlook the importance of making time for life-saving exercise.  We know that the effects of stress can be detrimental to our lives. Here’s how to live smarter. Our

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Are You Seeing the Big Picture?

THRIVE-ing is about living the life you have envisioned.  Are you seeing the big picture? Are you THRIVE-ing now?  If not, what are some of the things in your life that you would like to change?  Does your vision reflect the changes you want to make? In order to THRIVE,

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5 Technologies Shaking Up Healthcare in 2020

Ever since the dawn of healthcare, physicians have been seeking more effective and efficient ways of curing ailments. Therefore, the use of emerging technologies in healthcare is both an expected and necessary way for healthcare providers to offer treatments that are safer for the patient. This list of the top

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Build a Better Brain Today!

Are you THRIVE-ing?  I hope so!  In the last two weeks I’ve introduced to you my 4 step plan for building a better Body, Brain and ultimately more Bliss.  We’ve taken a look at ourselves and worked towards creating A Vision for what we want our lives to look like and who

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Boost Energy and Build New Strength

Contrary to popular belief, we’ve already found the secret to youth. While it’s not broadcast on TV or trending on social media, the answer is simple: Exercise! No creams, procedures, (or wishful thinking), can do for your body what a good workout does.Living the life you want starts from changing your

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