Why Mental Health Matters

If you broke your ankle, you wouldn’t hesitate to seek out an orthopedic surgeon. If you had a fever, a visit to your PCP would be in order. Why is it, then, when it comes to mental health, people are sometimes slow to react and even slower to reach out

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The Working Worried

Many of us, today, are working and worried. Gone are the days when having a job meant “doing your job.” We are feeling anxious and worried because we can no longer expect our work to be the same as it was in the past. Staying ahead of the game is

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A Time for Opportunities Anew

In the midst of the extraordinary circumstances and uncertainty we are facing in today’s world I would like to share some potential resources that may facilitate moving forward during this remarkable experience from a source of strength. Extraordinary, intense situations open wonder-filled opportunities for renewal. Potential Sources of Strength in

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Four Tips to Practice Good Mental Hygiene During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Just a few days ago my son’s college, the University of Washington, announced it would be cancelling all in-person classes and finals to help contain the spread of the coronavirus. One confirmed on-campus case prompted the university’s response. Though the university will incur high costs—they have to deep-clean the whole

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