Why a Resource Like NutritionFacts.org is So Necessary

In a study of the dietary advice given by newspapers in the United Kingdom, “no credible scientific basis” was found for most claims. Indeed, “[m]isreporting of dietary advice…is widespread and may contribute to public misconceptions about food and health”—and potentially not only the public. Scientists like to think they are not influenced

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Why Mental Health Matters

If you broke your ankle, you wouldn’t hesitate to seek out an orthopedic surgeon. If you had a fever, a visit to your PCP would be in order. Why is it, then, when it comes to mental health, people are sometimes slow to react and even slower to reach out

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The Power of Perspective

Ellen Langer challenges the idea that the limits we put on ourselves, as we age, are real. Opening our minds to what’s possible, instead of presuming impossible, can lead to better well-being, at any age. We need to realize that our perspective on aging is often based on old assumptions,

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Nourish Your Body to Live Longer

With so many ways to manage your health, sometimes adopting a “healthy lifestyle” can seem overwhelming. If there’s one change you have time to make, it’s this: Shift to a whole-foods, plant-based approach to eating. This is the most impactful way to turn back the clock and extend your health span!I

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How to Live Smarter

Let’s face it, life is stressful!  Unfortunately, chronic stress makes us fat!  Stress is a common theme that often causes women to overlook the importance of making time for life-saving exercise.  We know that the effects of stress can be detrimental to our lives. Here’s how to live smarter. Our

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Finding Meaning in the Morning

Finding our life’s purpose can feel “just out of reach.” A “maybe someday” idea that we hope to fulfill in the future. But, what if your purpose is within your reach today. From the minute we awaken in the morning, we get to choose our attitude. The busyness of daily

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Musical Moments

August 25th, 2018,  marked the 100th birthday of Leonard Bernstein.  To me, he was a miraculous comet that traveled this universe and gave untold pleasure to millions.  A superb Conductor, a marvelous pianist, and an exciting composer, all in 72 years on this planet. My wife and I were driving

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The Best Dried Fruit for Osteoporosis

   Image Credit: David Pacey / Flickr. This image has been modified. “We are in an epidemic of osteoporosis. There can be no doubt about that.” Ten million Americans have it, and one in three older women will get it. “We urgently need public health strategies to maintain bone health throughout the

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Are You Seeing the Big Picture?

THRIVE-ing is about living the life you have envisioned.  Are you seeing the big picture? Are you THRIVE-ing now?  If not, what are some of the things in your life that you would like to change?  Does your vision reflect the changes you want to make? In order to THRIVE,

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