The Working Worried

Many of us, today, are working and worried. Gone are the days when having a job meant “doing your job.” We are feeling anxious and worried because we can no longer expect our work to be the same as it was in the past. Staying ahead of the game is

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The Okinawa Diet: Living to 100

What would happen if you centered your diet around vegetables, the most nutrient-dense food group? Read Dr. Greger’s Best Selling book: How Not To Die. Click the book for purchase information. In addition to showing what to eat to help prevent the top 15 causes of death, How Not to Die includes Dr. Greger’s

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5 Technologies Shaking Up Healthcare in 2020

Ever since the dawn of healthcare, physicians have been seeking more effective and efficient ways of curing ailments. Therefore, the use of emerging technologies in healthcare is both an expected and necessary way for healthcare providers to offer treatments that are safer for the patient. This list of the top

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A Sound Workout for Mind, Body, and Soul.

Ever since I was a young boy, I have been passionate about music. This passion led me to be a graduate of the Juilliard School and Columbia University. For over 45 years I’ve traveled the world as a Conductor and professional clarinetist, including over 36 years with the Metropolitan Opera

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Build a Better Brain Today!

Are you THRIVE-ing?  I hope so!  In the last two weeks I’ve introduced to you my 4 step plan for building a better Body, Brain and ultimately more Bliss.  We’ve taken a look at ourselves and worked towards creating A Vision for what we want our lives to look like and who

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How Much Should You Exercise?

Physical fitness authorities seem to have fallen into the same trap as the nutrition authorities, recommending what they think may be achievable, rather than simply informing us what the science says and letting us make up our own mind. In health,Michael Greger, M.D. Read Dr. Greger’s Best Selling book: How Not

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Why Fizikaflex?

The year I started Fizika Group, my mother was dying of complications related to vascular dementia. She was having mini strokes which eroded her pre-frontal cortex. After a lifetime of mental illness, her brain was falling apart. She became confrontational at the point of care, which resulted in me having

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What Does It Mean To Live In An Age-friendly Town?

Age-friendly towns are places that provide opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to remain intellectually and physically active, socially connected, and engaged with life. Some characteristics of an age-friendly town include bike and walking trails, ease of transportation and accessible spaces, regardless of a person’s physical challenges. They

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Boost Energy and Build New Strength

Contrary to popular belief, we’ve already found the secret to youth. While it’s not broadcast on TV or trending on social media, the answer is simple: Exercise! No creams, procedures, (or wishful thinking), can do for your body what a good workout does.Living the life you want starts from changing your

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The Best Diet for the Inflammation of Aging

One of the most recognized consequences of aging is a decline in immune function, illustrated by vulnerability to dying from the flu and poor response to vaccinations. But, about 20 years ago, a paper was published showing that the immune cells of 80-year-olds produced significantly more pro-inflammatory signals. As I discuss in

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