Ever since I was a young boy, I have been passionate about music. This passion led me to be a graduate of the Juilliard School and Columbia University. For over 45 years I’ve traveled the world as a Conductor and professional clarinetist, including over 36 years with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. I have been blessed in teaching the joy of music to people of all ages, and in all walks of life.
And now, as an energetic 70 something kid, my mind still joyfully dances to the magical sounds of a symphony. Music races through my body like an electrical current, not only charging my batteries, but my mind and soul as well. I can’t help but jump and bob as I keep the beat to the rhythms, sounds, and colors. Music to me is an incredibly fulfilling mind and body workout.
Conducting is a very physical experience. Seven years ago after a conducting performance, I jumped off the podium, sweating, excited, and energized and I asked myself why am I not exhausted. What are the roots of all this energy? Here’s the answer:
All the movements of conduction are a physical workout, a great exercise program and when combined with the stimulus of music, the brain functions at maximum capacity. Results are feelings of joy and wellness. Why shouldn’t everyone enjoy this natural high?
Voila………Conductorcise was born!
Place yourself in the sneakers of an orchestra conductor and raise your baton to a mighty Sousa march, an impetuous Strauss polka, or and elegant Tchaikovsky waltz as you enjoy a great musical workout.
Conductorcise is a combination aerobic workout, symphonic performance, and music history lesson that swings to the sounds of the masters. A unique program recognized internationally by health and fitness experts, Conductorcise fosters upper body fitness that can help strengthen your heart and open your ears and mind in a natural invigorating workout.
One thing that stands out in my mind as I travel the country presenting Conductorcise is that the benefits for mind and body, the physical and the brain are never ending. All participants leave the sessions with renewed energy, a smile on their face and so much more.
In a Conductorcise workout, you learn basic conducting techniques, improve cognitive and listening skills, and discover the lives and work of great composers. Conductorcise is a low-impact fitness fusion workout for all ages that keeps your body and mind in tune.
Stimulates the cardio-vascular system
Energizes and engages the senses
Promotes balance, blood circulation, and brain stimulation
Relieves stress
Manages diabetes
Builds upper body strength
It’s never too late to start exercising
Here’s good news for couch potatoes. According to a recent study, people who start exercising later in life don’t seem to have a significant difference in mortality rates than those that have been exercising all of their lives. It’s the first research to show that older people can benefit from increasing their physical activity.
“A study of 2,205 Swedish men followed for more than 20 years from the age of 50 showed that exercise made no difference in premature death rates for at least a decade for those who waited until later in life to start physical activity.”Source: Reuters and MSNBC
Music and exercise are my passions. Let’s all be “in tune” – mind, body, and soul.
Health and Happiness,
Maestro David
Conductorcise was chosen as one of the only six programs in the U.S. by the International Council on Active Aging for its Innovators Award: “creativity, excellence, and efforts to advance the field of physical activity and aging.”
Join in the class!
Maestro David Dworkin offers a free Conductorcise class each Tuesday at 1:00 PM LIVE on his Facebook page. (Please note: You’ll need to have a Facebook profile in order to watch.)