Discerning when it is time for action or to postpone action becomes an art. Our inner wisdom is our best teacher! There is a time for creative action out of imagination and a time for creative meditation as we deepen our connectedness with all that is through our intuition. There is a time to act and a time to suspend action during a gestative process. There is a time to talk and a time to be silent.
A person who asked for counseling said to me, “I am going through a difficult time right now, after dropping out of a meaningful group. Life is changing so much and so fast that I need time by myself to figure things out. I made a complete circle, and feel am right back where I started. Although, I am a totally different person now. What’s next? All I can do is pray for guidance. Thanks again.”
I suggested that taking time for ourselves can be a grand opportunity to recover. There are times for reaching out to others and times when inward contemplation will bring the highest rewards. When we feel we have gone through a whole circle it is possible to consider the possibility we are moving in a spiral way… each cycle being wider than the previous one, becoming a different person continuously, and ever with broader experience and understanding.
One of my recent mottos has been, “Trust. Be. Rejoice.”
A dear friend in the United States became a great example of when to act and when to suspend action when needed. She was an inspiration for me from our first encounter. In her cheerful mood she always had a word of hope for all even in the light of a severe stroke that kept her in very difficult circumstances for nine years. Throughout those years we had remarkable conversations at her bedside as we held a weekly study group and other visits where she shared her interpretation of life as a dynamic idealist. She was always confident in her ability to act out the best in living. Her acceptance of the stroke and her positive approach were and continue to be an inspiration. She would say, “that which we focus on, we strengthen”. Another of her sayings, “Just connect.” Each manifested in multiple ways each day. She would give thanks for just being. She would highlight a link in thought and heart and constantly appreciate each dear uniqueness.
Through inward dedication and practical application we become unceasingly alive in the manifestation of our potential.
By Mayte Picco-Kline